Friday, June 7, 2013

Practical Monsters

HARBINGER DOWN : A Practical Creature FX Film

HARBINGER DOWN : A Practical Creature FX Film:

Guys, I don't normally vouch for things or promote stuff, but for this I will.

Studio ADI's Alex Gillis and Tom Woodruff, Jr. are doing a kickstarter to make an all practical effects movie. Fundraising ends tomorrow (6/7) in the afternoon EST, and they're $41,000 short of their goal. 

These guys worked on the Predator, Beast, Aliens, Thing prequel, and so many more. Many of which you've seen on this very humble tumblr of mine.

If you ever sat through a movie and were amazed at how cool these effects and monster are, or sat in a movie and thought "God damn CGI crap" then here's a chance to put your money where your mouth is and support a great project by a great team. 

I've already donated to it, and I hope you will as well.

Well now, I know I'm now looking forward to Days of Future...

Well now, I know I'm now looking forward to Days of Future Past!

I hated those horrible tight pants as a little kid in the 70's and early 80's. But man, do I appreciate them now!

This looks astounding. And god bless silicone appliances for being waterproof!


Gotta love French movies

Gotta love French movies

I still have to squint to see the seam on this one.

I still have to squint to see the seam on this one.



Centaur and Satyr

Centaur and Satyr




Still working on front face sculpt. Removed a lot of clay to...

Still working on front face sculpt. Removed a lot of clay to bring down the nose and muzzle. The one before besides looking too simian, was pushed out too far and with no lower chin piece to balance it out(thanks, goatee!)  I brought the nose/muzzle down to make it more balanced. BF preferred something a bit more hybrid than full on ape so I'm tinkering with the nose bridge and ridge. Need to push back the sides of the nose pad so it's more aerodynamic. 

Gonna evil up the brow with a 45 degree angle. Slowly Mr. Monkey here is going to turn into demon ape I think. Still very much in the first stages of this.

(This post is really for my bf and my friend Zac to look at)

The Creeper

The Creeper







Damn… at that size.

Damn… at that size.





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